Exterior painting & woodwork

Tomas Czodor project in January 2023 Before any exterior painting of this house could commence my company needed to inspect the house and find all wood what needs to be change. Wood was damaged by termites or it was rotten. After changing 4 fascia boards, side garage door, trim around garage door and fabricated some 1x6 molding around main beam on the front of the house preparation for painting could commence. In order of replacing fascia boards, roof tiles needed to be removed and later reinstalled after new fascias was in the place. Client of this house was older man in late 80s who didn't want change the color of the house but he did not have any paint cans from previous job. We was able to match colors exactly in his expectations. After fixing some stucco, caulking or patching wood, spot priming in areas where all preparation was necessary to be done final phase of the project could start - painting. On this job was used Dunn Edwards paints - Eversheild exterior line of the pr...